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Charles D. was born near Connecticut Lake,
Coos county, N. H., December 27, 1827. His parents were Luther
and Alletta (French) Parker. His father was born in New Hampshire
in 1800. He taught school in New York and New Hampshire from 1820
until 1825. In 1826 he married Alletta French, and settled in the
Indian Stream County, near Connecticut Lake, opening a sawmill
and conducting a country store. He took a prominent part in the
border troubles in 1834-35 as an ardent supporter of New
Hampshire. His wife, Alletta French, was born in Vermont in 1803.
Nearly all of the Parkers in the United States trace their
lineage to Thomas Parker, an English Puritan who settled in
Massachusetts Colony, near Boston, in 1635. Thomas Parker settled
first in Lynn, Mass., then located on a tract of land ten miles
from Boston in the township of South Reading. The grandfather of
Charles D. was born on the Asa Parker place, Reading, Mass., in
1774, where he spent his boyhood days, and when he reached
manhood he settled at Temple, N. H., where his son Luther was
born. Luther Parker came to Wisconsin in 1836 with his wife, his
son Charles D. and three daughters. He settled on the site of the
village of Muskego Center, now Waukesha County-he being the first
white settler. He represented Milwaukee County in the territorial
legislature in 1846. The subject of this sketch was educated in
the public schools, the normal classical institute at Waukesha,
and the New Ipswich (N. H.) Academy. He assisted on his father's
farm and began to attend school in the winter of 1839 in a little
log schoolhouse, the first school established in the town of
Muskego. He lived on the farm until he was twenty-one years old
and taught school four winters. On the death of his father, in
1853, he married and took full charge of the farm. Six years
thereafter, in 1859, he removed to St. Croix county, Wisconsin,
and began farming in the town of Pleasant Valley, where he made
his home until 1884, when he became a resident of River Falls,
Wis. In politics he began as a Free Soiler, and was one of the
organizers of the Republican Party in Waukesha county. He was
very active in the Republican party until 1873, when he became
identified with the Reform party, and since 1876 has been a
Democrat. He has held several town offices and was a member of
the board of supervisors of Waukesha County. He has been chairman
of the town board and chairman of the board of supervisors of St.
Croix County and represented St. Croix County in the assembly of
1869 and 1870. He was elected lieutenant governor in 1873 and
1875. Mr. Parker was appointed regent of the University of
Wisconsin in 1880 and 1881 and he labored earnestly in this
position for the improvement of the Agricultural College. Mr.
Parker was appointed a member of the board of supervisors of
Charitable Reformatory and Penal Institutions in 1881, was
reappointed in 1884 and continued to hold the office until the
year of 1889. He was a member of the state board of control from
1891 to February 1895. He has also been a prominent member of
Patrons of Husbandry. He was master of a Grange, organizing
deputy and master of the State Grange, also a member of the
National Grange, attending the meetings held in Washington, D. C.
Mr. Parker's Masonic career began in 1867 at River Falls, Wis.,
Lodge No. 109. He was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft,
January 28, 1868, and raised to the degree of Master Mason May 16,
1868. He received the Capitular degrees in 1877 in River Falls
Chapter No. 45, the degrees of Mark Master and Past Master
October 20, and degree of Most Excellent Master, November 30, and
the Royal Arch, December 8. The order of Knighthood was conferred
upon him in St. Croix Commandery No. 14, November 14, 1879. He
next became a member of the Wisconsin Consistory, Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite Mason, receiving the thirty-second degree,
March 1887. Mr. Parker was married November 9, 1853, to Angeline
F. Southworth, by whom he has had eight children, four of whom
are now living. Marco L. resides in Minneapolis, Minn. He married
Mary J. Eades, and they have four children, Gertrude M., Charles
M., Paul S. and Ruth. Lincoln H. resides at Eau Claire, Wis. He
married Lena L. Wyse. Elmer H. is a physician, residing at
Minneapolis. He married Ida Jenson. Rupert M. is a physician,
residing in Chicago. He married Jessie Scofield and they have two
children, Charles T. and Marion. The deceased are, Eva A., wife
of W. C. White, of Hector, Minn. She left six children. Charles O.,
William E., Ella A., Ethel M., Harriett M. and Eva P. Charles S.
died at the age of twenty-four years. Ara died in infancy.
Geralda died at the age of seven years. All the children of Mr.
and Mrs. Parker were born in Wisconsin. Mrs. Parker was born in
Madison county, New York, July 7, 1830, and came to Wisconsin
with her parent when about twelve years of age. She was educated
in the common schools of Waukesha County, and the old Normal
Institute of Milwaukee. She was a daughter of Sylvanus and Patty
(Merrill) Southworth, both born in New York State. Mr. Southworth
was a farmer, settled in Milwaukee County in 1843, and died at
the age of sixty-three years. His widow lived some years longer.
Mrs. Parker was a teacher in the public schools of Waukesha for a
couple of years and in the district schools a number of years.
Mrs. Parker is a lineal descendant of Constant Southworth,
prominently identified with the early history of Plymouth, Mass.,
whose mother, Mrs. Alice Carpenter Southworth, married Governor
Bradford, the first governor of the colony. Mr. Parker has been a
leading citizen of the state for many years and after an active
career is spending his declining years at home in River Falls. He
has resided in the state seventy-two years, coming here when he
was nine years of age. Reference: Taken from "History of the
St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
PERLEY, John Wesley a scion of
the ancient Perley family and himself a man of distinguished
attainments, broad education, acute business judgment and the
most liberal generosity, was born in Bridgeton, Me., February 25,
1844, the Perley name at that time being a household word by
reason of the connection of the bearers of that name with the
extensive lumber interests of that state. The history of the
Perley family dates back as far as 1608, in which year Allen
Perley was born in Wales, England. He emigrated to New England,
arriving at Charlestown, near Boston, July 12, 1630, and settling
at Boxford, Mass. To him there succeeded Thomas, born in 1641;
another Thomas , born in 1668; Asa, born in 1716; Daniel, born in
1752; another Daniel born in 1794. To this latter Daniel Perley
and his wife, Lavina (Thompson) Perley, was born John Wesley
Perley. Mr. Perley in early life became interested in the lumber
business. Brought up in Maine, which at that time was furnishing
to the states of Minnesota and Wisconsin those sturdy pioneers
who developed the natural resources of these two states, he
naturally became interested at an early date in the possibilities
of the forests. His father was a typical New Englander, honest
and hard working. He was a lumberman, being especially interested
in lumbering for ship building purposes and making a specialty of
furnishing for the sailing vessels of his day those towering
masts of which the New Englanders were at that time so proud. In
addition to his lumber business, the father owned a large farm,
to which he devoted much of his time, the farm being one of the
richest in his neighborhood. Until the panic of 1836 he was one
of the leading businessmen of Maine. That panic broke his fortune
and left him practically penniless; but undaunted by misfortune,
he gave his attention wholly to his farm, where he raised his
family of children, teaching them the stern old tenets of Puritan
religion along with shrewd business sagacity. Parents in those
days appreciated the advantages of educating their children, and
John Wesley Perley was given the best education that the town
afforded at that time, attending the district schools and the
Bridgton Academy. To this early training, as well as to his
retentive memory, his wide reading and quick comprehension, he
owed his broad culture and information. At the age of fourteen
his father passed away and he was obliged to turn his attention
to the problem of making his daily bread, thus giving him lessons
in self-reliance which stood him in such good stead in after life.
In 1863, when he was still two years under age, Mr. Perley became
enthused with the stories of the vast forests of the Northwest
and, coming to Wisconsin, he at once penetrated the heart of the
pine region. His first location was at Brookville, on the Eau
Galle River, in St. Croix County. After thoroughly investigating
the possibilities of logging and shipping, he returned east.
April 9, 1864, he purchased a tract of land and a sawmill at
Brookville, where he continued for some time. Its annual output
was about 1,500,000, a vast amount considering the lack of
facilities and the limited market in those early days. Water
power was later substituted for steam in the operations at this
point and the output was increased. Later Mr. Perley purchased a
large tract of land near what is now Hammond, Wis., and sold the
same for farming purposes, the property thus disposed of now
being the best in the state. In 1872, in company with George
Brackett and Jerry Flint, under the firm name of Brackett and
Perley, he built a large brick block at River Falls, Wis., and
therein opened a store for the retail sale of hardware. After two
years Mr. Perley disposed of his interests, and in 1877 engaged
for two years in what is now known as Clear Lake Township, Polk
County. In 1880 he founded the Andrews & Perley Lumber
Company, consisting of Dr. A. D. Andrews and his brother, B. W.
Andrews, both of River Falls, Wis., together with Mr. Perley. The
company founded the town of Perley, Barron County, Wis., on the
line of the Omaha Railroad, and named it in honor of our subject.
For ten years the company continued operations, manufacturing
from eight to ten million feet of lumber annually. In 1888 Mr.
Perley founded the Bank of St. Croix Falls and was its president
until two years before his death. Of this bank it has been said:
"During the existence of this bank it has been conducted in
the most conscientious and conservative manner and has won the
confidence of its patrons. There has not been a day in its
existence when it could not pay in full the demands made upon it,
and during the panic of 1893, when banks suspended throughout the
entire country, it was the only bank in this section that did not
have to withstand a run." In 1890 Mr. Perley became
interested in the Carpenter Bar Gold Mining Company, which
operates in Deer Lodge County, Montana, and which proved a most
profitable investment. In 1870 the subject of our sketch was
married to Maria E. Edwards, of River Falls, Wis., a woman of
broad culture, innate refinement and beautiful character. To them
was born one son, John Edwards. He was born in Hammond, Wis.,
August 12, 1872, and when he died the light of life and joy went
out for his parents. From a child he lacked a strong
constitution, and the immediate cause of his death was acute
bronchitis. His parents made every effort to prolong his life.
From 1886 to 1888 they took up their residence in California for
the benefit of his health and while there, the young man pursued
his studies. A hurried trip to Arizona failed of the desired
benefit and the young man died February 14, 1892. From the time
of the death of this son there was a marked change in both
parents. Mrs. Perley, finding her health impaired remained in
California at her home in Santa Rosa, where her husband provided
her with every necessary comfort. The business engagements of Mr.
Perley required his return to his Wisconsin home, but for a time
he made visits to California until his impaired health forbade
the long and toilsome journey. In 1892 he purchased a larger
tract of hardwood timber in Polk County, Wisconsin, near St.
Croix Falls. Here he gave his attention to the manufacture of
railway material, chiefly crossties and car stock. Besides his
own mill he controlled the output of many smaller mills, which
business he conducted for several years, from 1895 to 1899. Mr.
Perley passed away June 22, 1903, at his residence in Beaver,
Polk County Wis., and his body was taken to Santa Rosa, Cal., for
burial at the side of his son. His health failed him during the
last five years of his life, though most of the time he was
fairly well and able to attend to his business. During the last
three years only the care of the farm engrossed his attention.
There he seemed most happy since he was particularly fond of
animals and outdoor life. Two weeks before his death he had a
slight paralysis of his left side, apparently of a few hours'
duration. He sat up and read thereafter every day until the end
came. His charities were large and unostentatious. He maintained
a free hospital bed without disclosing his name, gave liberally
to other hospitals, and assisted several young men to an
education and in business. He was a large-hearted, generous, kind
considerate man, a noble citizen, endeared to his family."
Of him it was also said: "No man in the great Northwest more
deserved success and none has left a more honorable record."
(Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", volume 2,
published in 1909).(See Family Stories page for more on
Mr. Perley)
PETERSON, Charles I. is a
native of Sweden, born January 22, 1851. He emigrated to the
United States in 1871, settled in Lake City, Minn., worked there
at day labor, after a few years moved to Ellsworth township,
Wisconsin, and shortly afterwards purchased his present place,
erecting a large and comfortable brick dwelling and other
buildings. He engaged in farming and stock raising, made brick
and also ran a grocery store at Ellsworth, Wis., for some years.
Mr. Peterson married in 1878 Ellen Warn, who was born in Iowa and
died December 26, 1904, leaving two children. Ida is at home.
Clara married William Collmore, of Ellsworth Township, and has
one child, Gladys. Mr. Peterson married December 17, 1907, for
his second wife the widow of Stephen Batho, by whom she had one
child, George, a farmer in Pierce county. Mr. Peterson lives on
section 30, Ellsworth township, where he owns and operates 120
acres of fine farm land. He obtained his education in the schools
of Sweden and also attended school for a short time after coming
to America. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley",
published in 1909).
PFLUGER, Everett, 68,
lifelong Pierce County resident, who since 1927 operated a farm
in Trimbelle township died at a local hospital Wesnesday
afternoon following an illness of two years. He had been
seriously ill the past week, death being attributed to a heart
and kidney ailment. Mr. Pfluger was born in Trenton township,
Pierce County on November 14, 1874, being the sons of John and
Agnes Pfluger, pioneer settlers of that community. He lived in
Trenton until 1927 when he moved to a farm in Trimbelle township,
which had since been his home. He was married to Laura Carlson in
Red Wing on December 6, 1917 and besides his wife he is survivied
by two sons, William at Camp Wheeler, GA and Leland, Trimbelle;
three daughters, Verna, Sylvia and Lois, all at home, two
brothers, George of Trimbelle and Henry of St. Paul, and three
sisters, Mrs. P.W. Bennett, Ellsworth; Mrs. Clara Miller, Red
Wing and Mrs. John Knutson, Trenton. A brother Barney Pfluger
preceded him in death in 1941. Mr. Pfluger attended the
Presbyterian Church at Hager, WI and was active in church work.
Burial will be at the Trenton Cemetery. September 1942.
John (Civil War) was born in
1844, Germany. In 1873 John Pfluger married Agnes DENZER, who was
born 1853, in Germany and they resided in Trenton Township and
took up farming there. The following children were born to them
in Pierce Co.: Everett, born 1874, George, born 1875, Henry, born
1878. Civil War Veteran John Pfluger will be laid to rest with
full military honors at the Trenton, WI cemetery tomorrow
afternoon. Friends may view the remains this evening at home and
tomorrow up to the hours of the services. Red Wing Daily
Republican, Tuesday, January 24, 1928. Agnes died in June of 1935
and is also buried in the Trenton Cemetery. Submitted by
descendant Kathryn C. Bryan (
PIERCE, Perry D. was born
in Harpersfield, N. Y. He received an academic education, read
law with A. Reckor, Oswego, N. Y., and was admitted to practice
at Cooperstown in 1843, practiced in Albany three years, and in
1854 came to the St. Croix Valley, locating first at Prescott,
where he served as district attorney for four years, and county
judge eight years. He moved to Ellsworth soon after it became the
county seat. He was married in 1860 to Lua E. Searsdall.
PLACE, Halvor L., was born
in Norway, May 1, 1849, son of Lewis and Gurine Place. He came to
America with his parents in 1868 while still in his teens, having
received his education in the common schools of his native town.
After living for a short time in Dodge county, Wisconsin, he came
to Pierce County in 1872 and bought his present farm in section 5,
his father and brother, Lewis, being associated with him until
the former's death. When he took the place it was wild timber
land, and for the thirty-seven years that have passed since then
he has constantly worked on the farm, making it one of the finest
places in the township. His buildings are all in first-class
condition and everything about the farm is done in a business-like
manner. Aside from his real estate holdings, he owns stock in the
Lawton creamery. For several years he has been a trustee in the
United Lutheran church, of which he has been a prominent member
for a long period of time. He is a Republican in politics and is
one of the foremost Norwegian citizens of his township. Mr. Place
was married January 12, 1878, to Lizzie Peterson, born in Martell
township, daughter of Halvor Peterson, one of the early settlers
of the township, still living at the ripe old age of eighty-two,
his wife having passed away in 1890. Mr. and Mrs. Place have been
blessed with seven children-Lewis died at the age of two years;
Gusta married Peter Halvorson a farmer of El Paso, and has two
children, Adolf and Esther; Ida married Amund Odedhalen, of El
Paso township, and has two children John and Ella; Lewis is at
home and is doing his share of the farm work; Alvin died at the
age of nineteen and is buried in South Rush Cemetery; Melvin and
Edmund are still under the family tree. (taken from "History
of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909).
PLACE, Peter L. was born
in Norway, May 19, 1861. In 1868 he came to America with his
parents, who settled in Dodge county, Wisconsin, and lived there
five years. In 1873 they migrated to Pierce county, Wisconsin,
settling on 160 acres of wild land in El Paso Township. The
father of Peter cleared it with the help of his children and put
it under cultivation, and there he lived until his death, about
1880, at the age of sixty years. The mother, whose maiden name
was Anna Isaacson, died in 1894. Peter L. Place received his
education in the common schools of El Paso Township and assisted
on the farm as a young man. He now resides on section 34,
township of Martell, where he owns 100 acres, forty of which is
in Martell Township, and 60 acres on section 3, Ellsworth
Township. He has put on all the improvements and has made a good
home for himself and family. He was for eight years president and
manager of the Lawton cheese factory and ran it until it was
reorganized in 1906 or 1907. A Republican in his politics, he was
side supervisor in 1896-1899, and for the past two years he has
also held that office. He is a member of the United Lutheran
church. Mr. Place, August 27, 1885, was united in marriage with
Anna Peterson Barg. She was born in Martell township on the 27th
day of November, 1866, daughter of Halvor Peterson Barg, who
still resides on the old homestead in Martell township,
consisting of 120 acres, section 34. Mrs. Place was educated in
the district schools. She was a member of the United Lutheran
church and was active in the church work. She was a Christian
woman, a devoted wife and a kind and loving mother. She died
April 8, 1908, at the home place, and is buried in the Lutheran
Cemetery, South Rush River, Ellsworth township. She was the
mother of ten children, nine of whom are living, and all born in
Martell township, and educated at the common schools, viz.: Hiram
L., Gustav B., Inga P., Selma T., Albion H., Amy P., Effie M.,
Gladys M. and Emer R. (taken from "History of the St. Croix
Valley", published in 1909)
PLACE, Lewis H., son of
Lewis and Gurine Place, was born in Norway, August 15, 1853. In
1867, when young Lewis was fifteen years of age, the family
emigrated to America and settled in Dodge county, Wisconsin,
where the father farmed eighty acres for eight years. In 1876 the
family came to Pierce County and settled on section 5, El Paso
Township, where the father farmed land, which he purchased with
the assistance of his sons, Halvor, and Lewis. When the father
died, February 4, 1878, Halvor took the management of the old
homestead of 120 acres, the mother living with him until her
death, in January 1893. Upon the death of his father Lewis
started out in life for himself, working on various farms near
River Falls, Wis., until 1878, when he purchased his present farm
in section 7, El Paso Township, where he has since continued to
reside. He has cleared the land and has a larger part under
cultivation. He erected the comfortable home in which he lives
with his family, and also built other necessary buildings, now
carrying on general farming and stock raising with considerable
success. Mr. Place is a member of the United Lutheran
denomination and a deacon in the South Rush River church. A
Republican in politics, he has been chairman of the township of
El Paso for three years and is still township clerk after fifteen
years of faithful service. For six or seven years he was an
assessor of the township. For ten years he has held his present
position of secretary of the Martell Fire Insurance Company and
is also a director f the Lawton Butter & Cheese Company. Mr.
Place was married June 28, 1888, to Anna Amelia Moen, daughter of
Ole O. and Mary Moen, natives of Norway, who came to Wisconsin in
1845 and settled at Racine, coming to Martell township, Pierce
county, in 1847, where they remained until the time of their
death. Mr. and Mrs. Place have had six children-Oscar Leonard,
Isaac Orlando, Gusta Margrethe, Alma Maria and Marvin. Marvin
died at the age of eight months. (taken from "History of the
St. Croix Valley", published in 1909).
POMEROY, Luke H. , the
subject of this biography and one of the very early settlers of
the St. Croix valley, is now leading a retired life at River
Falls. He was born in Steuben county, New York, November 22, 1822,
receiving his education in schools of that neighborhood and lived
there until twenty-one years of age. He is a son of Phineas and
Catherine Pomeroy. The father was born in New York State. He was
a farmer and also carried on lumber business. Both parents died
in New York State. Luke H., when twenty-one years of age, settled
in Illinois near Elgin, and remained there on Rock river, near
Beloit, for about six years. He worked on farms and also followed
threshing, and in 1850 came to St. Croix county, Wisconsin, and
settled on a 160-acres farm, which he took up from the government.
Later he took forty acres of pine, in Troy Township, which he
improved and finally brought under cultivation. Here he lived,
engaged in general farming for many years, and during this time
he went over onto Rush River, in Pierce County, and there built a
sawmill at Martell. This was the second sawmill built on Rush
River, and he followed the milling business for about two years.
He erected a farmhouse on his property to replace the log cabin,
with lumber sawed from his mill. Our subject left the farm in
1881, and settled at River Falls, where he has since resided,
leading a retired life. When Mr. Pomeroy came to St. Croix County
there were but three families at River Falls, Joel Foster, Duncan
McGregor, James and Walter Mapes. Mr. Pomeroy was on old line
Whig and joined the Republican Party at its organization. Mr.
Pomeroy married Mary Jane Day, who was born in Pennsylvania and
came to Wisconsin at an early day. She was a daughter of Alanson
and Patience (Bolton) Day. Mr. Day was an early settler of St.
Croix County and was a prosperous farmer. Mrs. Pomeroy died on
the home farm at the age of twenty-eight years. She had two
children. Phineas now resides on the old farm in Troy Township,
which he now owns. He married Catherine Gilland and they have the
following children: Luke, Emma James, Everett, Frank and Hermie.
Helen, the second, born at Martell, is the wife of Arthur Everett
Fuller, of River Falls. Mr. Pomeroy married for his second wife
Mrs. Mary Jane Fuller, the mother of Arthur E. Fuller, and the
widow of Harry Fuller, who died in Milwaukee about 1858. Arthur E.
Fuller, who marred the daughter of Luke Pomeroy, was born in
Milwaukee, Wis., in 1855, and after the death of his father, in
1858, went to live with his aunt in Troy township, St. Croix
county, and resided with her until Mrs. Pomeroy married his
mother. He then made his home with them until he was twenty-one
years of age. He went to Montana in 1880, and engaged in the
sheep business for some fifteen years, and then returned to
Pierce county, and made his home at River Falls. He went to Shell
Lake, Wis., and engaged in the hotel business for seven years,
and then returned to River Falls, where he has since lived. Luke
H. Pomeroy encountered obstacles which only a matchless energy
and ability could have overcome. He has never taken a very great
interest in politics or other public movement, but has always
felt concern in the developments of the intellectual and
spiritual sentiments of mankind. Reference: Taken from "History
of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
POTTER, Charles, farmer, P.
O. Rock Elm, Pierce county, was born in Dutchess county, N. Y.,
September 15, 1830. Joseph Potter, his father, was born in
England, and came to Vermont in 1871. From there he went to
Dutchess county, N. Y., and married Miss Fanny Wolf. Seven
children were born to them as follows: Henry, Edward, Leonard,
William, Charles, Maria and Caroline. Charles received his
education in the common schools of his native county and lived
there until 1850, when he went to Patterson, N. Y., where he was
engaged in the meat business until 1855, then came to Davenport,
Iowa, where he was engaged in buying horses and fitting them for
sale and the race track. He continued at that until the Pike's
Peak rage in 1859, when, in company with five others he went out
there, but not liking it he returned the same year and went to
Fredonia, Ill., where he ran a ferry on Rock river for a year,
then went back to Iowa and worked in a starch factory until 1861.
He enlisted at Davenport that year, but before he was sworn in,
had his leg broken, which incapacitated him for the service. The
same year he married Miss Fanny Carroll, a Canadian by birth, and
came to Pierce county, Wis., locating where he now lives. It was
then simply a wilderness; no roads, only paths through the woods,
and he had to depend on his trusty rifle for meat for the family.
He has two children: Albert B., who lives in West Superior, and
Florence V., at home. Mr. Potter now has a fine farm, and can
take a rest from the hard work incident to pioneer life. In
politics he is a true and patriotic democrat, but has never been
an office seeker, though frequently called upon to take an office.
He enjoys the respect and confidence of all in the township. --Taken
from the "Historical and Biographical Album of the Chippewa
Valley Wisconsin.