MORSE, Abner was a son
of Calvin and Elvira (Moody) Morse and was born at Randolph,
Orange County, Vt., October 31, 1819. At the age of eighteen
years he became actively engaged as a teacher, which occupation
he followed for a number of years with marked success. He was for
a year or more editor of the "Green Mountain Herald," a
paper published at West Randolph, Vt. February 20, 1843, he
married Julia A. smith, who died of consumption in the autumn of
1844. He married for his second wife Mary D. Randall at
Braintree, Vt., November 22, 1846. In 1856 he removed to the
West, locating at River Falls, where he continued to reside until
his death, May 7, 1881. His widow is still living and resides at
River Falls. After migrating West he adapted himself to various
occupations as circumstances offered. While attending to other
duties he read law and was admitted to practice his profession,
which he did quite extensively. He corresponded for a number of
years with the "Prescott Journal" and when that paper
ceased to exist he purchased a newspaper outfit and in 1872
started the "River Falls Journal." In 1877 while in an
active campaign for the office of probate judge he suffered a
stroke of paralysis which incapacitated him for active work and
from the effects of which he never fully recovered. He suffered a
second stroke from which he expired. Mr. Morse was a Republican
in his politics and wielded a wide influence in Pierce county,
but he rarely sought office for himself. He was one of the
charter members of the I. O. O. F. of River Falls. In his
memorial Prof. G. W. Pratt said of him: "The people
intuitively recognized in him a leader worthy of their
confidence, and they were not mistaken, for no trust reposed in
him was ever betrayed. He has left his impress on all the
institutions which have given River Falls a most enviable
reputation at home and abroad. We pride ourselves, and justly, on
our beautiful Normal School, sending forth its treasures of
culture and learning to every part of the land, but as we recall
his amost herculean labors in its behalf, we feel justified in
saying that to him, more than to any other man, are we indebted
for its location here. The name of Abner Morse will always be
associated with the most renowned promoters and benefactors of
the city of River Falls. Coming to this place, he became
immediately identified with the progressive interest of the
community. By the force of his personality and by reason of
superior intelligence and good judgment, wide experience,
generous temperament and persistent activity, he became a leader
and power. Unassuming and unselfish, he proposed and aided in the
advance of others to preferment rather than to the attainment of
personal aggrandizement and the gratification of selfish ambition."
Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley",
published in 1909
MORSE, Calvin Randall was born at
Bethel, Vt., August 11, 1847, son of the late Hon. Abner Morse.
The father of the subject of this sketch came West to Wisconsin
in 1856, traveling the entire distance by team, between December
8, 1855, and March 12, 1856, when he arrived at River Falls, Wis.
Calvin R. Morse was educated at the River Falls schools and then
learned the printer's trade with M. B. Kimball in the "Herald"
office at Ellsworth, Wis. He was a partner with his father in
publishing the "River Falls Journal" form 1872 until
1877, when he assumed sole management, and for about thirty-two
years he has been editor and proprietor. In politics he is a
Republican and has filled many town offices and was president of
the school board of River Falls for six years. In the fall of
1898 he was elected a member of the assembly, receiving 1,725
votes, against 568 for F. M. White, the Democratic candidate. He
served on the committees on cities and public lands of the
assembly in 1899. He became a Mason, February 23, 1869, when he
was initiated in River Falls Lodge, no. 109. On August 4, 1870,
Mr. Morse married Minnie B. Horton, who was a popular teacher in
the public schools and an artist of considerable talent,
conducting classes in oil painting for several years. She died
September 9, 1886, at the age of twenty-seven years. There were
three children born to her. Raymond Horton died at the age of
fourteen months. Marion Abner died March 15, 1900, and Stanley
when twelve years of age served as a page in the legislature
during the session of 1899 and in the session of 1903. Mr. Morse
has always taken an active interest in the upbuilding of River
Falls, both financially and politically, with a generous and
public spirit. Reference: Taken from "History of the St.
Croix Valley", published in 1909
MOSER,BALDASAR, (Civil War) carpenter, Plum City, Pierce county, was born in Switzerland, and was one of a family of thirteen children. He came to this country while young and settled in Highland, Ill. In 1856 he moved to Red Wing, Minn., and went into the wood trade. The same year he married Anna, daughter of D. and J. Offolter, and three children were born to them: Mary (now Mrs. Hophan) lives near Plum City; Mina (now Mrs. Oberding) and B. Moser Jr., who is married to Miss Hophau. In 1880 they adopted as one of their own family a child six months old named Ida. Mrs. Moser died in April 1882. In 1884 Mr. Moser married Rossetta Robeson and one child has been born to them, Ella, who died in infancy. Mr. Moser has lived in Plum City a great many years, engaged in farming and carpenter work, but for four years he had a saw-mill. He sold it and went to work at coopering for two years. He enlisted, January 3, 1865, in Co. E, 144th Illinois volunteer infantry, and served until the regiment was discharged, then came back to Plum City and began building and doing cabinet work. He is now erecting a large building preparatory to opening a furniture store and is doing a large business. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and the G. A. R. He was reared a Roman Catholic, and in politics has always been a true and consistent democrat. --Taken from the "Historical and Biographical Album of the Chippewa Valley Wisconsin.
Charles H. was born in 1853 in Constantine, St.
Joseph county, Mich., son of William and Romelia (Tracey) Moyer,
natives of New York state, the latter being still a resident of
Constantine. They were the parents of four children-Charles H.,
the subject of this sketch; Arthur, living in Tennessee; Emeline,
now of Three Rivers, Mich., and Jennie, deceased. Mr. Moyer
received his education in the common schools and then took up
farming. In 1877 he came to Pierce county, and in 1884 he moved
upon his present farm of 120 rich acres on section 20, Clifton
township. He was married November 9, 1882, to Mary Copley,
daughter of John S. Copley, by whom he has two children-Grace
May, born in 1883, and Charles Edward, born in 1896. Mr. Moyer is
a Republican in politics and has served as justice of the peace
for three years. He is a good citizen and a faithful friend, well
liked by all who know him. Taken from "History of the St.
Croix Valley", published in 1909.
MULLEN, Margarette Anna lived in Pierce County from about 1860 until her death in 1892. She was born about 1840 in Craigs, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. She married John Campbell McKeever about 1857 in County Antrim, Ireland and they had a son, John McKeever, Jr. born on March 22, 1859, while the family was living in Ireland. The three immigrated to the United States and to Pierce County about 1861. Margarette and John McKeever farmed in the areas of Trimbelle and Oak Grove Townships and had also rented farms north of River Falls, Wisconsin. Margarette and John McKeever had a total of nine children before she died at the McKeever home in Prescott, on January 10, 1892. A family story is that Margarette was just sitting in front of a mirror and brushing her hair (preparing to go to church) and she simply fell over and died. Margarette and John Campbell McKeever's children were all born in Pierce County with the exception of John McKeever, Jr. (Ireland). The children's names were: John Jr., James, Robert, Nancy, Mary, Margaret Ann, Matthew, William Harvey, and Harvey Ward. Margarette Anna Mullen-McKeever is buried in the Big River (abandoned) Cemetery in Section 1 of Oak Grove Township, Pierce County, WI - No headstone has ever been located and no burial records have been found. Only burial sources are family descendant reports. Photograph is of Margarette Mullen-Campbell-McKeever (circa 1860) wearing the Campbell Family Tartan Plaid Shawl. Biography supplied by Robert Patrick, descendant.
Alexander J., was born near Meadville, Crawford
county, Pa., September 24, 1849. He came to this locality with
his parents in the early days and received a good common school
education, afterward working on the farm with his father, where
he has since remained, being now the owner of the old homestead.
He carries on a general farming and stock raising business, his
place being one of the model farms of the county. He has large
and commodious buildings and a fine home beautifully arranged and
tastefully furnished, both Mr. and Mrs. Mumford being noted for
their hospitality. Mr. Mumford has been on the town board and is
a member of Ellsworth Lodge No. 11150, I. O. O. F. In politics he
is a Democrat. Mr. Mumford was married December 8, 1872, to
Sophia Wirth, daughter of George Wirth, formerly of Ohio. This
union has been blessed with six children: Frank D., Herbert B.,
Evelyn E., Carrie W. (deceased), George W. and Martha M. Evelyn
married Herbert Mero and has two children, Irene and Nellie.
George W. married Florence G. Roatch. Alexander J. Mumford is a
good citizen and a progressive and popular man. His father,
Jackson Mumford, of whom a portrait is found in the volume, spent
his early days in Pennsylvania, moving to Clinton, Ia., about
1855, farming there about nine years and coming to Ellsworth
township in the spring of 1864. He purchased 120 acres in section
34, which he at once set about to improve and cultivate. He
raised a family of four boys and one girl, in Crawford county,
Pennsylvania, giving them all the advantages of a good education.
They are: James S. (deceased), Martha, Arthur, David and
Alexander J. During the forty odd years that Jackson Mumford
lived in this community, he won the esteem of all by his honest
and upright bearing and his public-spirited endeavors. He was
always a patron and defender of the public school system and for
thirty years acted as clerk of his school district. He was one of
those men whose work, influence and example have tended to make
Pierce County the law-abiding, progressive and prosperous county
that it is today. His memory will never be forgotten. Jackson
Mumford died February 27, 1903, at the age of eighty-six years,
and his esteemed wife, Margaret (Johnson) Mumford, passed away
February 12, 1889, at the age of sixty-nine years. They are laid
to rest in the Ellsworth cemetery. (taken from "History of
the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909).
Edward a son of Thomas and Dora (Deavereaux)
Murphy, was born in the township of El Paso, Pierce county, Wis.,
February 20, 1867, attended the district schools and assisted
upon the farm. His parents were natives of Ireland and immigrated
to the United States when they were quite young. After their
marriage they came to Pierce county, Wisconsin, settling in El
Paso township about the year 1857, where the father purchased
sixty acres. There he lived and afterwards added eighty acres in
Ellsworth township adjoining the home place. He died April 12,
1903, and is wife died April 1, 1903. Both are buried in the
Catholic Cemetery of Ellsworth thownship. The father was eighty-four
and the mother seventy-five years old at the time of their death.
Mr. Murphy owned about 220 acres of land in all and was engaged
in farming all his life, and voted the Democratic ticket always.
After Edward left home and started in business for himself he
purchased forty acres of land on section 36, and with the eighty
acres left him by his father he has 120 acres and is now engaged
in farming nd stock raising and is a large stock owner. He has
put on all the improvements on his place and has made it a model
farm, having large barns for shelter of grain and stock. A
Republican in politics, he is chariman of Ellsworth township
board and has held the office for seven years, being re-elected
at the spring election of 1908 with no opposition. He has also
held some of the other offices, and is a member of the Catholic
hcurch and the Modern Brotherhood of America. Mr. Murphy married
November 24, 1897, Katherine Quinn, born in Ellsworth, Wis.,
daughter of Jeremiah and Johanna (Crane) Quinn. Mr. Quinn was
born in Pierce county, as was also his wife, and their parents
were among the early settlers of the county. The father of Mrs.
Murphy was a farmer during the latter part of hid life in
Ellsworth township. He died about the year 1895. His widow is noe
residing at Red Wing, Minn. Mrs. Murphy was educated in the
schools of Ellsworth and remained at home until her marriage. She
is the mother of four children, as follows: William R., born
August 30, 1899; Gertrude E., born June 13, 1901; Raymond T.,
born August 11, 1902, and Edward F., born March 13, 1908.
James was born August 8, 1858, in El Paso
Township, Pierce County, Wisconsin, on the old homestead where
his father Thomas Murphy, first settled. He now resides on
section 26, Ellsworth Township, where he owns and operates 120
acres of rich farmland. He received a good district school
education and assisted his father on the farm until he was twenty-one
years of age. In 1880 he went to North Dakota and spent five
years in the West, working at farming; then removed to Pierce
County and bought eighty acres, his present farm. It was at that
time wild land; he cleared it and has it now nearly all under
cultivation. He added forty acres adjoining on the north. He has
put on all of the improvements, a good house and barns, and here
he has since made his home, engaged in tilling the soil and stock
raising. In his politics he is a Republican and has served as
chairman of the township of Ellsworth a period of three years. He
was assessor of the township for four or five years. In 1902 he
was elected on the Republican ticket to the office of sheriff of
Pierce County and served during the years of 1903-4. During his
term of office he resided at Ellsworth, the county seat, and upon
the expiration of his term of office he returned to his farm and
has been engaged in farming since. Mr. Murphy was united in
marriage April 29, 1891, to Isabelle Taggart, born in Hartland
township, Pierce County, Wisconsin, November 8, 1868, and
educated in the district schools. Her father, Daniel Taggart, and
her mother, Margaret (Boyle) Taggart, were born in Ireland and
settled in Hartland Township on a farm of 160 acres. Her father
died in 1880 at the age of fifty years and her mother passed away
in 1900. Mrs. Murphy is one of a family of nine children, eight
of whom are now living, all born in Hartland Township. She taught
school for four years in the district schools of Pierce County.
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy are the parents of five children, all born on
the present home place as follows: Frances T., born April 13,
1892, a student in the Ellsworth High School; Grace M., born
August 12, 1894, is attending the Ellsworth High School; Ethel M.,
born December 27, 1896, and Dora W., born April 7, 1898, attend
the district schools, and James A. was born May 13, 1906. (taken
from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in
John, was born in Ireland in 1838, son of
Timothy and Catherine Broghan. He came to America with his
parents when six or seven years old, and received his early
education in New York state, where his parents resided until 1859.
He came westward to Ohio in 1850; in 1855 came to Pierce county,
Wisconsin, and at once purchased his present farm in Oak Grove,
where he has since remained. In 1858 he was married to Bridget
Dervian, of Fox Lake, Wis., by whom he has seven children, six of
whom are living. Timothy is a farmer of Saskatchewan, Canada;
Margaret is the widow of Mr. O'Toole, of St. Paul, who was an
engineer inspector for the Great Northern; Martin Paul lives at
Oak Grove; John, Jr., also lives in Oak Grove; Catherine and
William H. are at home. Mrs. Murphy died at Oak Grove in 1877. Mr.
Murphy is a Republican in politics and a member of the Roman
Catholic church. He has been chairman of the town board twenty-one
years, assessor nine years, member of county board eighteen
years, sheriff one term, 1870-71, constable and justice of the
peace, still holding the latter position. He owns 200 acres of
good land, raises horses and small grain. Mr. Murphy was married
in 1878 to Elizabeth Conroy, of Pierce county, by whom he has
five children: T. J., Michael, Emmett, Mary E. and Annie.
Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley",
published in 1909