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DEANS, John T. is a
retired farmer and lives on the corner of Fifth and Walnut
streets, River Falls, Wis. He is a native of New York State and
was born in the town of Waddington, St. Lawrence County, November
9, 1832. He attended the common schools and lived there until
October 16, 1866. He is a son of George and Margaret (Thompson)
Deans. His father was born in Scotland on Queen Victoria's
birthday. He was a tailor by trade and came to the United States
before his marriage. He settled first at Quebec, Canada, and
resided here about two years, and then he removed to Montreal and
from there to St. Lawrence county, New York. He died here at the
age of eighty-four years. His mother died at the same place one
year before his father. In 1866 Mr. Deans came west, settled in
Kinnickinnic Township, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, and purchased
a farm of 160 acres located just west of the monument. He left
the home farm and moved to River Falls about 1896 and has resided
here twelve years. He is a Republican in politics; has held the
office of township chairman, was a member of the county board for
about five years and a member of the schoolboard for fifteen
years. He is a member of the Congregational church and was on of
the trustees of the church when he resided in Kinnickinnic
Township. Mr. Deans was married to Sarah Ann Freeman, March 17,
1859. She was born at Waddington, N.Y., a daughter of John and
Mary Freeman. Her father was a native of Wales, but moved to
England when a small boy, and came to America at an early date,
settling on a farm in St. Lawrence county, New York. In 1870he
and his wife came to Wisconsin and lived with Mr. and Mrs. Deans.
He died in about four months after arriving here, at the age of
seventy-seven years. Mrs. Dean's mother died at the age of ninety-two
years. She was the mother of twelve children, three of whom are
still living. The oldest daughter, Judith, married Thomas W. Tait.
Mrs. Deans was educated in St. Lawrence County, New York, and
remained at home until her marriage. She is a member of the
Congregational church. She has borne ten children, seven of whom
are still surviving-Judith is the wife of J. H. Rogers and they
have two children, Harry and Dean; George W. is a farmer and
resides in Oak Grove township, Pierce county, Wisconsin. He
married Mary Madison and they have nine children-Nora; Esther,
married A. Barrett and has one child; Lewis, Henrietta, John,
Nettie, Harold, Edith and Irving. John was the third child born
to Mr. and Mrs. Deans and he died at the age of seven years;
Alexander died at the age of twenty-eight ; he married Lucy
Morgan and one child was born to them, Edna; Margaret Isabelle is
single and is a teacher in the Normal School at Moorhead, Minn.;
Charles is a salesman on the road; he married Grace Sanford, who
died leaving two children, Warren and Dorothy; Mary is the wife
of H. L. Thinker, of Holcomb, Wis., and they have two children,
Lola and Irving; Ernest resides on the oldhome farm in
Kinnickinnic township. He married Margaret Elliott and they have
one child, Royce. Howard is an express messenger on the railroad
and is single. Sarah is the tenth child; she died May 6, 1908.
She was a teacher in the High School at Moorhead, Minn. The first
four children were born in St. Lawrence county, New York, and all
the others in St. Croix County, Wisconsin.
(taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley, volume 1,
published in 1909).
Barnard was born 19 Oct 1824 in Germany and
died 27 April, 1900 in Oak Grove, Pierce County, Wisconsin, where
he resided at the time of his death. Mr. Denzer settled in
Kenosha, WI for a few years after emigrating to the United States
in 1856 and arrived in Pierce County in 1864. On the 1880 census
Bernard Denzer and his family are found living in Trimbelle.
Bernard married Agnes MEYERS and they had the following children:
Barbara, born 1849 in Germany (married John Joseph Truittman of
Pierce County in 1865), Agnes, born 1850 in Germany (married John
Pfluger of Pierce County in 1872), Stephen, born 1853 in Germany
(married Hannah O'Connor), Andrew, born 1855, and Barnard "Barney",
born 1857 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Most members of this family are
buried in the Trenton Cemetery in Pierce County. After his first
wife, Agnes, died, Barnard married Mary ______ and they had the
following children: Bernard (2) , born 1860, Mary born 1862,
Henry, born 1864 and John, born 1866. Submitted by descendant
Kathryn C. Bryan (
Barnard (Barney), Jr. was born to Bernard and
Agnes Denzer on July 23, 1857, Kenosha, WI. His parents settled
in Kenosha for a few years after arriving in the United States.
In 1864, the Denzer family moved to Trimbelle, Pierce County.
Barney Jr. never married and died in the Hudson Hospital, Hudson,
MN in 1958 at 101 years old. Submitted by descendant Kathryn C.
Bryan (
Stephen was born 1853 in Germany to Barnard
Denzer and Agnes MEYERS. As a young boy, he emigrated to the
United States in 1856 and resided in Kenosha, WI with his family,
until their arrival in Pierce County, WI in 1864. In 1884 Stephen
Denzer married Hannah Loretta O'Connor, who was born in Ireland
in 1866. By 1885, Stephen and Hannah were residing in Lake
Preston, South Dakota and the following children were born to
them: William, born 1886, Leonard, born 1888, Evaline, born 1890,
Kathryn, born 1892, Teresa, born 1894 and Agnes, born 1896. In
1895 Stephen moved his family to Missouri for a few years,
seeking work in the mines and returned in 1905 and settled in the
Motley-Pillager area of Minnesota. William and Leonard, his two
sons contracted TB while in Missouri and both sons died in 1919
and are buried in Motley, MN. By 1920, Stephen and Hannah once
again settled in the Town of Trimbelle. Both Stephen and Hannah
Denzer died in December of 1926 at the home of their daughter,
Agnes (Belvidere Township, Goodhue County) and are buried in Big
River, Wisconsin. Submitted by descendant Kathryn C. Bryan (
Sumner D. has resided in River Falls, Wis.,
for over a half century. He was born August 22, 1829, in Lincoln
county, Maine, where he was educated and where he lived until he
was twenty-one years of age. He learned the trade of a tinner and
then went to Boston, Mass., and followed his trade for eight
years. In 1856 he removed to River Falls, Wis., and conducted the
tinner's trade and hardware business very successfully for about
thirty-four years, and about 1890 he sold out to his son. He
occupied a store in the Tremont Block and then he removed to a
building he erected and occupied it up to the time he retired.
His father's name was John and his mother's name was Sarah Dodge
before her marriage. They were both natives of Lincoln county,
Maine. The father was a mason by trade and he followed that and
farming during his life. He died January 1857, at the old home
place. The old block house is still standing in the township of
Edgecomb which he helped to build in 1809, in advance of the War
of 1812. The mother died in 1842. Sumner D. was the youngest of a
family of eight children and he is the only one now living. Mr.
Dodge is a stockholder in the Farmers & Merchants State Bank
of River Falls, and was for many years a director of the bank. He
is a member of the I. O. O. F. and has passed all of the chairs
three times. Mr. Dodge married, January 1, 1854, Eliza A. C.
Pratt, of Weymouth, Mass. Mrs. Dodge was born at Braintree, Vt.,
July 21, 1829. Her father was Samuel Pratt and her mother was
Anna White before her marriage. Mr. Pratt was born at Braintree,
Mass., and Mrs. Pratt was a native of Vermont. Her father was a
tin peddler for many years and later he was in the hardware and
tinware business in Weymouth. He came to Wisconsin in 1855 and
purchased a farm in Pierce County and there he conducted the farm
until a few years before his death. He was well advanced in years
and died at Hastings, Minn. Her mother died at about seventy-five
years of age. Mrs. Dodge is one of six children. She attended the
district schools of her native place and remained at home until
her marriage. Mrs. Dodge has had seven children, all born in
Pierce county except the oldest, who was born in Massachusetts.
Ella is the widow of Oliver Heasley and resides with her mother.
She has had two children-Ethel is married to Harry Hurlbert and
Hattie G. is dead. George J. is the second child; he resides in
River Falls and is conducting the business established by his
father in 1856. He married Miss McKag, who bore him two children.
Cecil is now in partnership with his father. He married Kate
Kennedy and has one child-Allen. Morris resides in Seattle, Wash.
He is married and has one child. George J. Dodge married for his
second wife Ida Evans and by this union they have six children-Ella,
Mabel, Arthur, Everett, Theodore and Louise. Hattie is the third
child born to Mr. and Mrs. Dodge and is the wife of J. E. Bailey,
of Tacoma, Wash. They have an adopted daughter-Edna. Wendall S.
is the fourth child. He is a baggage master on the Omaha branch
railroad and resides at Ellsworth. He married Lizzie Huber and
has three children-Howard, Royce and Jerald. Everett, the fifth,
died at the age of thirty-one. He married Gengina Harper. Anna is
the wife of George F. Hernandez. Clarence S. married Amelia
Bayloff, of Durand, Wis. They have two children-Sumner and Yalta.
Mr. Dodge is a young looking gentleman for his age; one would
guess his age at about sixty years. His memory is good and he is
enjoying splendid health. He and his good wife have grown old
together, as they are about the same age. Reference: Taken from
"History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909
DODGE, Richard H. (Civil War) was born in
Lockport, N. Y., May 1, 1844, son of Noah and Calista (Eaton)
Dodge. He was educated in the district schools at Albion College
and at Hillsdale College, in Michigan. In 1869 he left Hillsdale
and went to Jackson, Mich., and November 7 of that year he
arrived in Red Wing on a visit to friends, since which date he
has made his residence in this section of the country. In the
winter of his arrival he taught school in district No. 1,
Gilmore, in the town of Isabelle, Wis. Several years thereafter
he taught winters and summers, and in 1871 purchased from the
Carpenter heirs a farm in Isabelle township. He was married April
28, 1872, to Lucy D. Parker, one of his former pupils, daughter
of Abner W. and Emily (Griswell) Parker, old settlers of Pierce
County. This union was blessed with nine children, six of whom
are living. Lela is Mrs. J. L. Crandall, of Rayne, La.; Frank
died in infancy; Abbie N. is Mrs. A. H. Spriggle, of Bay City,
Wis.; Edith died in childhood; Ernest L. lives in Ladysmith, Wis.,
where he conducts a book store; Claude E., telegraph operator at
Galena, Ill., was married June 24, 1908, to Lizzie M. Stolt, of
Bay City. His twin, Edward, died in infancy; Ray H. lives in Bay
City, Wis., and works for the C., B. & Q.; Emily C. is single
and lives at home. Mr. Dodge belongs to no particular church. In
Bay City he was superintendent of Sunday school for many years;
also taught singing-school and conducted the choir. He is a
member of Bay City Camp, No. 6,252, Modern Woodmen of America,
occupying the office of escort. He is overseer of Bay City
Homestead, No. 975, Brotherhood of American Yeoman, and a member
of A. E. Welch Post, No. 75, G. A. R., of Red Wing, Minn. He has
been delegate to the congressional convention at Chippewa Falls,
Wis.; to the state convention at Madison, Wis., and to many
county conventions. He has held every office in the township of
Isabelle except assessor, beginning his office holding in 1872,
when he was first elected town clerk. The last term of service as
clerk has dated since 1900, and he still holds that position. Mr.
and Mrs. Dodge have a pleasant home in Bay City, well furnished
and plentifully supplied with good books and current literature.
Our subject served in the Civil war, enlisting at the age of
nineteen in Company H, Eleventh Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, in
1863, from Jackson, Mich. In the spring of 1865 the regiment was
consolidated with the Eighth Michigan Cavalry as Company B, and
mustered out at Nashville, Tenn., on the 22d day of September
1865. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley",
published in 1909)
DOPKINS, Charles now serving
his twenty-fifth year as school treasurer was born in 1844 in the
town of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wis., son of Lewis and Alfa (Plumby)
Dobkins. In the family are four half-brothers-Warren is a truck
farmer in Chicago; Addison is deceased; Bert lives in River Falls
township, and Edgar died at the age of five years. Charles
received his education in the common schools and came to Pierce
county in 1870, staying one year in El Paso township, after which
he removed to his present location, which consists of a fine farm
of sixty acres on section 24, River Falls township. He is a
Republican in politics and a good citizen in every respect. Mr.
Dopkins was married first in 1869 to Louisa Miller, by whom he
has three sons and three daughters, all of whom are living.
Mattie was born in 1871, married "Mike" McCuewas and
has one daughter, Maud, born in 1890. George was born in 1873,
married a Miss Walker and has one daughter. Lewis married Leddie
Wilcox. Hattie, now Mrs. Heacox, lives in Beldenville, and Adelia
is still at home. In 1881 Mr. Dopkins was married the second time
to Lillie Peterson a native of Pierce county, whose parents live
in Pueblo, Col. Mr. and Mrs. Dopkins have been blessed by this
union with six children-Glen, Merl, Clarabelle, Gladys, Warren
and Blanche. Reference: Taken from "History of the St. Croix
Valley", published in 1909
DUNHAM, George Oliver, foreman,
Wildwood, St. Croix county, was born in Woonsocket Falls, R.I.,
April 2, 1853, a son of George and Mary (Cutler) Dunham, of
Mansfield, Mass. His father was born January 23, 1822, and was a
turner by trade. He came to Wisconsin in 1854, and settled in
Arkansaw, Pepin county, where he still resides and works at his
trade in a factory. Here George received his education, and when
twenty-four years of age went to work for himself, and engaged in
a saw-mill at Hersey, Wis., and remained there three years. He
then removed to Knapp, where he remained one year. In 1883 he
engaged with the mill in Wildwood, then known as the St. Croix
Land and Lumber Company. He commenced with the company as a
common hand, but by his close application to business and his
qualifications for the same, he was given the position of outside
foreman, and has charge of the mill and all teams and outside
work, by the Wisconsin Iron Company, which succeeded the old firm.
In 1876 he married Amelia Crampton, a native of Canada. Her
parents were Willard and Lavina (Thompson) Crampton. Three
children blessed this union: Willie, Nellie and Allen, who are
all at home. Politically, Mr. Dunham is a republican. He was an
only child, and his mother died during his infancy.
Source: pp858 History Of The Chippewa Valley (Submitted
by, Cliff Watt)
DUTCHER, DANIEL W.,(Civil War) farmer, P.
O. Rock Elm, Pierce county, was born in New Brunswick, Herkimer
county, N. Y., May 13, 1831. His grandfather, Simeon Dutcher, Sr.,
was a native of France, and came to New York in 1770, from
Holland, joined the Continental forces and took part in the siege
of Yorktown, where two of his brothers were wounded. He settled
in Dutchess county, N. Y., was married three times and became the
father of twenty-two children. He died in 1856, aged 103 years.
One of his sons, Simeon, Jr., was born August 12, 1791, and
married Lydia Schouten, who came of a "Mohawk Dutch"
family. Their children were: Phoebe (Mrs. R. Schouten), James,
Mary A. Mrs. F. Jones), Benjamin, Daniel W., and Delilah (Mrs. A.
Hyatt). Simeon Dutcher, Jr., died at Green, Mecosta county, Mich.,
in July, 1883. All of the family have been noted for longevity.
Mrs. Lydia Dutcher died April 5, 1864 Daniel W. attended the
district school only fourteen months in his youth. His father
owned a boat on the Erie Canal, N. Y., in which the family lived.
In his eighth year Daniel began riding on the towpath. Later he
became an expert steersman. In 1847 he removed with his parents
to Herman, Dodge county, Wis., where he worked on a farm for a
time. Meanwhile he kept up a course of home study and became
qualified as a teacher, which vocation he followed for several
winters. He went overland to California in 1854, assisting to
drive over a heard of cattle. He prospected for gold at various
points and rode an express from Shasta to Taylor's Bar on Salmon
River. He visited every place on the Pacific coast from Victoria,
B. C., to Acapulco, Mex., and made two trips overland from
Mazatlan, Mex., to Shasta, Cal., with a single white companion,
bringing droves of mules. On these trips they were in constant
danger from hostile Indians as well as the "greasers,"
whom they employed to assist them. In 1858 he returned via the
Isthmus and settled at Big Rapids, Mich. He enlisted in 1862, in
Company I, Sixth Michigan cavalry, and took part in the battles
of Fredericksburg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Winchester,
Petersburg and numerous other engagements. At Winchester,
September 19, 1864, he captured a major of the Sixtieth Virginia
regiment, for which he was presented with the major's saber. June
11, 1863, he was taken prisoner at Seneca, Md., and sent to Libby
prison, where he remained until June 30, 1863, when he was
paroled. He was sent against the Indians under Gen. Connors in
July, 1865. He became corporal and was discharged December 10,
1865. In 1876 he came to Rock Elm and engaged in farming. January
22, 1850, Mr. Dutcher married Miss Sarah White, who has borne him
three daughters: Luella (Mrs. Jay L. Hawn), Uretta Mrs. J. D.
Bloor), and Myrtie. Politically he is a republican, and has
served for eight years as town clerk. He is a member of the G. A.
R., the I. O. O. F. and P. of H. --Taken from the "Historical
and Biographical Album of the Chippewa Valley Wisconsin.
NEXT ("D"- page two)