QUERIES?? Post Them Here QUERIES??

Seeking the whereabouts of Pat M. Wiff, author of the book "Is There Any Lutefisk And Lefse Left?", The History of Martell Township: 1840 -1994, with Genealogies of Pioneer Families.  The 589 page hard bound book gives a vivid description of the history of Martell and surrounding area, it's pioneers and residents.  The book contains pages upon pages of photographs. Truly a 'treasure' for those interested in the history of Martell.   The book was printed by Helmer Printing Inc., Beldenville, Wisconsin, 1994.   I have the book in my library and will do limited lookups upon request, at no cost.  Please note that extraction of pictures in most cases will be most difficult for me to do, because most pictures are too faint to be copied. Cliff Watt e-mail:    golfing@telusplanet.net.
