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INGLI, A.J., principal of school, Plum City, Pierce county, is a son of Dominick Ingli, who was born in Sattel, Schwytz, Switzerland, October 7, 1826. Joseph A., grandfather of A. J., was born in 1789, and at the age of thirty- four married Caroline Ashwanden, of his native town. They had seventeen children, eight of whom died in infancy. Dominick Ingli was the eldest, spent his young days on a farm, and at the age of twenty-three learned the carpenter's trade. When twenty-six years old he came to America and landed in New Orleans. He stopped a short time in St. Louis and in Illinois, then located in Dubuque, Iowa. He did what work he could, but he was afflicted with the ague so much that he could not work steadily, and three years later he came to Menomonie, Wis., and went to work in a saw-mill. He came near being drowned there while getting in logs, but Mr. Tainter, a member of the firm and an excellent swimmer, rescued him. He had another attack of ague, and returned to Dubuque, then went to Minnesota and took a claim of eighty acres near Rochester, and during the winter chopped wood on Prairie Island. He finally returned to Wisconsin, and followed his trade in Menomonie and Eau Galle. He afterward went south, and while in Natchez, Miss., was given forty-eight hours in which to join the Confederate army or leave the state. He chose the latter alternative, and returned to Highland, Ill., and there learned the cooper's trade. December 31, 1863, he married Mary A., daughter of Joseph Ammann, who had a family of thirteen children. Those now living are Mrs. B. Ingli and Mrs. D. Ingli, both living in Plum City; Hon. Joseph C. Ammann, member of the Illinois state board of equalization and vice- president of the Highland, Ill., bank; A. J., a leading merchant at the last named place, and Louisa, a prominent teacher there. In October, 1865, Dominick Ingli and his family moved to Plum City, which had but shortly before been located, and bought eighty acres of land in what was then called Pleasant Valley township, but which was afterward made a part of Maiden Rock, and here he started to make a home in what was then a wilderness. The ague again attacked him, and in 1882 he became unable to do any hard work, so moved to Plum City and went into the hotel business, and is now proprietor of the Ingli house. Mr. and Mrs. Ingli were both brought up in the Roman Catholic faith. They have had twelve children, eight of whom died in infancy. Those living are Albert, who is connected with the hotel, manages the farm, is a member of the I. O. O. F., born April 2, 1865; Mary K., now Mrs. Frank Glaus, the mother of three children and living near Plum City, born November 28, 1866; Louisa, Mrs. John Glaus, living near Plum City, born March 30, 1869, and Anthony J., born February 3, 1871. Anthony J. Ingli commenced the study of music when thirteen years old. He has always taken a great interest in educational matters, and at the age of sixteen years received a third-grade certificate, at seventeen a second-grade, and a first-grade when he was eighteen years old. He has always been very successful in his school work, and is well known over the county. He is the leader of the Plum City brass and reed band and the Plum City orchestra. In politics his father, Dominick, was a republican, and cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln, but in 1884 and 1888 he voted the democratic ticket. In 1890, when the school question was the issue in Wisconsin, he again voted the republican ticket. Albert Ingli is a democrat and A. J. a republican. --Taken from the "Historical and Biographical Album of the Chippewa Valley Wisconsin.

IVERSON, Iver B. was born in Norway, May 20, 1840, son of Bersoen Iverson, a farmer of Norway, who settled in Pierce County in 1856, on the farm in section 36, Martell Township, which Iver B. still occupies. The father passed away in 1866 and his wife died at the age of seventy-one years. Iver B. received his education in the schools of his native country, and upon coming to America with his parents in 1852 at the age of twelve years, continued his training in the American schools. He has since boyhood lived on the farm which he now owns, taking possession upon his father's death. The farm is a rich one and is well looked after by Mr. Iverson in a careful and painstaking manner. Mr. Iverson is a member of the United Lutheran church, of which he has been a deacon for the past sixteen years. His fist vote was cast for Abraham Lincoln for president of the United States, and since that time he has continued to vote the Republican ticket. For many years he has filled the office of supervisor of the township with much credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his fellow townsmen. He has also served as constable. He was married in early life to Annie Anderson, who died in 1895, at the age of fifty-one years. (taken from "History of the St. Croix Valley", published in 1909)
